
Holocaust Film Archive does not own nor control the usage and exploitation rights to all its footage contained herein, with the exception of motion pictures noted as being in the legal copyright status of Public Domain. The owners of the usage rights are noted by special ownership codes on each archival film listing. Audio-visual media materials will not be processed, duplicated, released or shipped without prior written permission of the legal copyright holder. No exceptions whatsoever. The following copyright ownership code best identifies the appropriate owner of listed titles in our Film Katalog:

AFI Austrian Film Archives-
BFI British Film Institute-
CBC Columbia Broadcasting Co.-
CF Cinematique Francais-
DF Defa-
FLA France Libre Actualite-
GFF Gosfilmofond-
IL Instituto LUCE-
LF LoweFilm-
NFB National Film Board of Canada-
PAR Paramount Pictures-
PD Public Domain-
PF Periscope Films-
TF Transit-Film-
WBP Warner Bros. Pictures-

Licensor contact info available upon request
Current film stock: 29,178 titles.
Preview footage example: