Early Nazi Anti-Semitic Campaign: 1933-1940

The collection of German and Austrian-produced anti-Semitic propaganda had been a greatly neglected field of study in the history of the Holocaust. It was Hitler that ordered the production of anti-Semitic propaganda films following the American release of "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" (WBP, 1939) which got the German Chancellor and his propaganda chief Goebbels attention when it eventually became evident to the civilized world the Nazis had begun to wage a war of annihilation against European Jewry. In order to launch such vicious hatred against Europe's Jews, Nazi propagandists such as Fritz Hippler and Veit Harlan began to churn out faux "educational" documentaries such as the insidious "Eternal Jew" (Dfg, 1940) and "Jews without the Mask" (NSDAP, 1937). Goebbels saw to it that anti-Semitic propaganda was inserted into the mass media at the time, including newsreels, documentaries, and even feature-length entertainment films in order to "hammer into the heads of the dunderhead masses" the lie that the Jews were an imminent "threat to German culture and Western Civilization," as the Propaganda Minister had so sinisterly stated.  The following motion picture records represent mankind's darkest chapter in the exploitation of direct anti-Semitic propaganda directed against innocent men, women, and children during the nightmare years of the Holocaust.

NOTE: these motion picture records are some of the most subversive and dangerous works of the audiovisual arts produced in Germany during the Holocaust. While they are of significant relevant historical merit, they must be considered as dangerous works of the audiovisual arts produced in Germany.

The film prints contained herein are part of the permanent collection of HFA. HFA does not own nor control the rights to the motion picture records listed below unless it is legally known they are in the copyright status of Public Domain.   

German Boycott of Jewish Shops [c. 04.01.1933]

Orig. title: "Deutscher Boykott juedischer Geschaefte" Deulig-Wochenschauen (newsreels) 1933 Fragmented Film 25 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF. 
German newsreel produced by the Deulig newsreel company on April 1, 1933 had documented the first official Nazi boycott against Jewish-owned businesses in Berlin. This was the first anti-Jewish action taken against Germany's Jews. Depicts brown-shirted SA stormtroopers as they stand outside Jewish-owned shops and businesses in the center of Berlin, shouting anti-Semitic slogans, demanding regular Germans not to purchase goods from these shops - "only buy German goods." Others, stand with placards with similar hateful anti-Semitic slogans on them.

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The Nuremberg Race Laws [c. 09.15.1935]

Orig. title: "Die Nuernberger Rassegesetze" 1935 NSDAP-Filmletiung/Ministry of Propaganda 14:25 B/W HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
German-produced propaganda film designed for newsreel exploitation depicts the introduction of the heinous "Nuremberg Race Laws" which had been duly signed by all top political and government leaders of the new Reich leadership, including Hitler, Goering, Rosenberg, Hess, Luetze, and others in attendance at the Nuremberg Party rally of September 1935.  Depicts actual execution of the new anti-Semitic laws which deprived German Jews of their rightful enfranchised citizenship as well as their civil rights. it was the first governmental action taken against Germany's Jews as early as 1935. The official laws are read by Hermann Goering, followed with much applause; Hitler delivers the closing remarks on the establishment of the new intolerant race laws which would ultimately lead to their deportation to the East where most would never be heard from again during the dark years of the Holocaust.

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Julius Streicher's anti-Jewish Address from "Triumph of the Will" [c. 08.04.1934]

Orig. title: "Julius Streichers antijuedische Ansprache aus "Triumph des Willens" Ufa/Leni-Riefenstahl-Produktion 1935=4 1:37 B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: Public Domain.
Film excerpt from Leni Riefenstahl's political propaganda pseudo "documentary" "Triumph of the Will" depicting Franconian Gauletier Julius Streicher as he delivers anti-Semitic address before the hallowing throngs in the packed Luitpold Hall during the sixth Reich Party Day congress during September 4-10, 1934 held in the medieval city of Nuremberg. Streicher was chief 'Jew-baiter #1' and published the virulent anti-Semitic newspaper, "Der Stuermer," with its repugnant brand of vicious racism. He would eventually be hung for his special sadistic contribution to National Socialism in 1945-46, when he, as well as other Nuremberg defendants had been found guilty of war crimes and were ceremoniously hanged for their crimes during the Holocaust.

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Jews without a Mask [12.29.1937]

Orig. title: "Juden ohne Maske" 1937 NSDAP-Filmleitung/Propaganda Ministry 90 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
First Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda pseudo "documentary" produced by Walter Boettcher and Leo von der Schmeide, whom had also penned the toxic commentary for the faux feature-length hate film initially ordered by Goebbels. This film was scurrilous utilizing excerpts from German feature film classics produced during the Weimarian period depicting such notable cinematic figures as Peter Lorre, Curt Bois, Fritz Kortner, Rosa Valetti, Charlie Chaplin, and others as Jews. This film had been regarded as lost for many years until a short fragmented excerpt was located (which is in our archive as well). Since the last twenty years, our archival researchers managed to locate a complete version of this film. "Jews without a Mask" had been produced in conjunction with the notorious "Eternal Jew" Exhibition which took place the same year in Munich where it had its premiere.

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The Jew [c. 1940]

Orig. title: "Der Jude" 1940 NSDAP-Filmletiung/Office of Race 42 min. B/W HD sound guage: 35mm Copyright: Public Domain
Propaganda film short propagating the supposedly sinister nature of Jews in German history as depicted thru excerpts from feature films and religious cultural films. This film, like others ordered produced by Hitler and Goebbels during the Holocaust furthered the diabolical plan to murder all Jews in occupied Europe known as the "Final Solution" which resulted in Europe's darkest days of the brutal carnage perpetuated by Nazi Germany.

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The Eternal Jew {c. 1940]

Orig. title: "Der ewige Jude" 1940 Propaganda-Filmleitung/Dfg 70 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Vicious anti-Semitic propaganda film personally ordered by Hitler in his obsession to demonize European Jews during the war. Written by red-hot Nazi racist Dr. Eberhard Taubert and directed by Fritz Hippler this distasteful film relies heavily on so-called "documentary" footage of the ghettos in Poland while insisting they control world banks, the stock market, world culture, including the arts and the media and public opinion, according to the razor-sharp German commentator over the film's soundtrack. The film is certainly the most insidious and repugnant propaganda diatribes designed to demonize European Jewry from the very start. Hippler's film was not only exhibited throughout the occupied territories during the war in theatres, but also were compulsory showing in the concentration and extermination camps by SS guard personnel. The film obviously made a significant contribution to the ideological factor which in turn turned purportedly 'decent' men into cold-blooded, mass murderers. Our archive maintains several foreign language of this film, including the original German version, a Dutch version, French, Spanish and even Italian. Slavic language versions also exist. NOTE: this film is heavily RESTRICTED. 

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Jews from the Polish Ghettos [c. 1939]

Orig. title: "Juden aus den Polnischen Ghettos" 1939 Reich Propaganda Ministry/Ufa-Tonwochenschau A.G. 9 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm Copyright: TF.
Nazi antisemitic propaganda outtakes from a typical Ufa Sound Weekly newsreel courtesy of Goebbels' tainted Propaganda Ministry in Berlin issued September 20, 1939. This rare archival film depicts Polish Jews in ghettos, cities and villages as the German armed forces entered which was the opening stages of the terrible Holocaust to come: Nazi troops enter Gdynia; Reich Harvest Festival in Germany; German troops enter Cracow and Lodz; return of refugee  German ethnic minorities to the occupied territories in Poland; Polish Jews pictured in their ghettos; Hitler visits Poland, etc. RESTRICTED.

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Polish Jews during Clean-up Work [c. 1939]

Orig. title: "Polnische Juden bei Aufraeumsarbeiten" 1939 Reich Propaganda Ministry/Ufa Tonwoche Wochenschau A.G.  4:59 min. B/W sound HD sound guage: 16mm Copyright: TF. 
German weekly newsreel excerpts from an Ufa Sound Weekly newsreel issued on  April 10,  1939 in Nazi-occupied Poland. This rare archival film depicts the Governor's Government of Poland's employment of Polish ghetto Jews in salvage clean-up for propaganda purposes. NOTE: this film material was utilized in Fritz Hippler's heinous hate film "The Eternal Jew" (Dfg, 1940) listed above. RESTRICTED.

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