Postwar Tribunals: 1945-1961

This collection pertains to the postwar tribunals established for the purpose of prosecuting war crimes of the Nazis themselves during 1945-1961. The following motion picture records are authentic and are a testament to the nightmare years of the Holocaust  as the SS murderers were at last put before the world as documented in motion picture records of those legal proceedings.

Orig. title: "Prozesse in Nuernberg und Mathausen" 1946 15 min. sound B/W HD guage: 16mm Copyright: PD.
Authentic documentation highlights of the Nuremberg and Mathausen tribunals which gave the world one of the first exposé's  of the savagery of the Nazi butchers revealing the barbarism of Hitler's Third Reich.

THE NUREMBERG TRIBUNALS [c. 1945-46 Orig. title: "Die Nuernberger Process" 1945-46 100 min. sound B/W HD guage: 16mm Copyright: PD.
Film excerpts from the highlights of the International Tribunal held at Nuremberg during 1945-46. This film was released on March 15, 1946. These tribunals held by the victorious allied powers identified and prosecuted the Nazi war criminals whom had participated in some of the mist heinous acts of barbarism against innocent men, women and children during the Holocaust. 

UNVEILING OF A MEMORIAL PLAQUE FOR THE VICTIMS OF  THE NAZI RIOTS AGAINST THE JEWS [c. 1946] Orig. title: "Enthuellung einer Gedenktafel fuer die Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Aussreitungen gegen die Juden" 1946 52 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm Copyright: PD.
Postwar film depicting the official unveiling  of a memorial plaque to the victims of Kristallnacht in Frankfurt during November 9-10, 1938. This film also features a special news bulletin of the International Military Tribunal held at Nuremberg  in 1946.

TRIBUNALS  IN NUREMBERG AND MATHAUSEN [c. 1946] Orig. title: "Prozesse in Nuernberg und Mathausen" 1946 48 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm Copyright: PD.
Postwar Allied military tribunals held at Nuremberg and at Mathausen concentration camp in 1946.

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