Allied Liberation 1945

The collection of motion picture records pertaining to Allied liberation, includes  authentic vintage archival films ranging from actual liberation footage from former Nazi concentration camps in both color and black & white. All Nazi concentration camp liberations are included in this collection, including Soviet, British and American film material depicting the horrors of the Holocaust once the gates of Hitler's Germany were finally revealed to the entire civilized world. These motion pictures are a symphony of horror in the depiction of Europe's darkest days when tyranny revealed its ugly face during the nightmare years of the Holocaust.

Liberation of Buchenwald [c. 1945]

1945 U.S. U.S. Army Signal Corps Dir: Billy Wilder 32 min. Color HD silent guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: Public Domain.
Hollywood director Billy Wilder was so overwhelmed at what he had witnessed during the American liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp in the spring of 1945 that he produced a color motion picture record of that historic event. The film depicts scenes of U.S.soldiers engaged in liberation of camp, with images of prisoners in various stages of physical condition from death to starvation by the Germans. Torture devices are shown as well as horrific  images of lampshades made from human skin; shrunken heads fiendlishly created by the twisted SS guards in the camp; scenes of piles of corpses are also depicted; German civilians are forced to tour the camp in order to view the horrendous atrocities committed by the SS; German civilians are forced to watch newsreel films of the conditions in this and other concentration camps which had been operated by camp guard personnel.

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