Pre-Holocaust Nazi Propaganda: 1920-1939

The following archival motion picture film prints are part of the permanent collection of HFA. HFA does not own nor control the rights to the film titles listed.
These motion pictures represent the embryonic beginning of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) from 1920 through party-sponsored filming in the chaotic, stormy days of the movement up to the pre-war period during the Third Reich in 1939. 

NOTE: the motion picture records listed below are some of the most subversive and dangerous film productions produced during the pre-Holocaust period in Germany. While they are of significant relevant historical records, they must be considered as dangerous works of the audiovisual arts.

Hitler in Munich [c. 1920]

Orig. title: "Hitler in Muenchen" Home movie 1920 14 min. B/W silent HD guage: 9.5mm Copyright: TF.
One of the earliest recorded motion picture records of Hitler as he was captured in an authentic 9.5mm home movie filmed by one of his party cronies in a Munich beer hall in 1920. The visual imagery contained in this short film revealed the face of the man who would attempt to bring about the destruction of European Jewry in a few short years. 

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The "German Day" in Nuremberg [c. 09.02.1923]

Orig. title: "Der Deutsche Tag in Nuernberg" NSDAP-Filmabteilung 1923 45 min. B/W silent HD guage: 9.5mm Copyright: TF.

Vintage film document of the first Nuremberg  Party rally held in the medieval city was recorded for posterity in this early party production. This rare film depicts Hitler, General Erich von Ludendorff, Goering, Alfred Rosenberg, Streicher, Hess in attendance as they review marching S.A. brown-shirted stormntroopers through central Nuremberg. It is of historical interest that the infamous Munich Putsch took place just one month later and the faux Nazi myth would begin.  

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Hitler over Germany [c. 1932]

Orig. title: "Hitler ueber Deutschland" NSDAP-Filmleitung 1932 45 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
An early vintage NSDAP election promotional film depicting Hitler's political campaign by air as he  visited numerous German cities during the Reich Presidential election of 1932. Depicts scenes of Hitler aboard aircraft with his party cronies as he travels from Munich to Berlin. 

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NSDAP Party Rally, Hamburg [c. 1932]

Orig. title: "NSDAP Kundgebung, Hamburg" NSDAP-Filmleitung 42 min. B/W sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF. 
Film record of an NSDAP election rally in Hamburg during the 1932 Presidential campaign depicting assembled political meeting with Hitler and Richard Kube on July 20, 1932.

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Hitler Youth in the Mountains [c. 1932]

Orig. title: "Hitlerjugend in den Bergen" NSDAP-Filmleitung 1932 39 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s.
Early Hitler Youth (HJ) propaganda film promoting the Nazi youth organization engaged in para-military training, including mountain climbing, camp life and athletic competitions. 

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Hitler's Struggle for Germany [c. 1931]

Orig. title: "Hitlers kampf um Deutschland" NSDAP-Filmleitung 1931 15 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Early party propaganda film focusing on Hitler's faux political promises with various scenes from his campaigns:  "District Party Day" in Brunswick; an S.A. rally in Hessen; Hitler's political address in Alzey; steamer cruise with SA group aboard from Wiesbaden/Biebrich to Kaub. 

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Hitler "Putsch" Treason Trial [c. 1924]

Orig. title: "Hitler-Putsch-Verratsprozess" German Justice Ministry 1924 38 min. B/W silent HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Official Hitler "Putsch" treason trial held in the Kriegsschule in Munich on February 26 - April 1, 1924 in which Hitler and his deputies were put on trial for high treason for their attempt in seizing power of the provincial Bavarian government following the abortive and infamous Munich Putsch which had taken place during November 8 - 9, 1923. This film is an official film record of an historical event.

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To the Third Reich [c. 1931] 

Orig. title: "Ins dritte Reich" SPD=Filmleitung 1931 16 min. B/W silent HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Vintage SPD political campaign film produced in 1931 designed to serve as one of the first such anti-Nazi short films created by a rival political party in Germany. 

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NSDAP Rally in Essen [c. 1926]

Orig. title: "NSDAP Reichsparteitag in Essen" NS-Filmleitung 1926 22 min. B/W silent HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Early NSDAP party rally film photographed by the group's S.A. stormtroopers documenting a political rally in Essen in 1926: Goebbels address attendees on political contributions for the movement in Saalbau; Hitler reviews SA contingents on parade; rally at the Burgplatz with guest speaker Gregor Strasser. 

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The Nuremberg Party Day Rally of the NSDAP [c. 1929]

Orig. title: "Die Nuernberger Reichsparteitag der NSDAP * NSDAP-Filmleitung 1929 75 min. B/W silent HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Film record of the largest Nuremberg Party rally held in the medieval city during August 1-8, 1929. This film depicts the various ceremonies and political meetings at the rally, including review of para-military factions of the party, including the S.A., S.S. and HJ in attendance by Hitler and his cronies such as Himmler, Streicher, Hess, Goering, Rosenberg, etc. Hitler is depicted as appearing much like a raving frenzied lunatic as he shouts his political and racist diatribe to those in attendance. Scenes of Hitler consecrating the "Blood Banner" is depicted as well. This film document marked the first such occasion in which the monstrous Nuremberg Rallies had showed its ugly head in Germany. 

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Party Day of the National Socialist German Workers Party, Nuremberg [c. 1927]

Orig. title: "Parteitag der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei Nuernberg" NSDAP-Filmleitung 1927 45 min. B/W silent HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Party film production documenting the third Reich Party Day rally held at Nuremberg on August 20-21, 1927. Depicts preparations for the rally; para-military factions march in review before Hitler and his cronies at the Luitpold arena; Hitler dedicates new party banners and standards, etc.

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People and Leader [c. 1932]

Orig. title: "Volk und Fuehrer" NSDAP-Filmleitung 1932 12 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
NSDAP election campaign promotional (propaganda) film depicting Hitler as "the only political candidate" as well as excerpts from his speeches in various German cities such as in the Berlin Lustgarten and others on April 4, 1932. 

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Election Event of the NSDAP in Berlin [c. 1932]

Orig. title: "Wahlveranstaltung der NSDAP in Berlin" NSDAP-Filmletiung 1932 10 min. B/W silent HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
NSDAP political promotion film for the 1932 Reichs Presidential election. Joseph Goebbels addresses the attendees at rally in the Berlin Lustgarten.

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Interest Bondage [c. 1932]

Orig. title: "Zinsknechtschaft" 1932 Deutsche Aufnahmegesellschaft fuer Bild und Ton GmbH/Reichsleitung NSDAP Director/Cinematography: Otto Ewald Sound: Ruppert Lauck 12 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
NSDAP election film document (propaganda) of Gottfried Feder's delivering a speech on the Nazis' radical economic and fiscal policies at the time. Feder himself was a red-hot Nazi party crackpot fanatic who had claimed to have been one of the oldest followers of Hitler, along with S.A. chief of staff Ernst Roehm and Hans Frank from the 'horrible chaos' following November 8, 1918. This film was subtitled "Rupture of the slavery interest rates" and the "fight against the deity Mammon" and called for his books on finance and the economy a 'catechism' of the Nazi movement. The extreme dialogue in the film referred to November 9, 1923 as being "sanctified by the blood of of the victims" and the direct reference to Jesus Christ as "driving the Jews away from the banks."  The production is another obvious example of direct propaganda produced in a pre-Holocaust Germany.

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Eighth and Ninth November [c. 1935] 

Orig. title: "8. und 9. November" 1935 Reich Propaganda Ministry 19 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Propaganda film promoting the faux annual 1923 Munich Putsch commemoration ceremony in the Bavarian capital in 1935 as Hitler and his followers engage in march to the Feldherrnhalle, the site where his participants fell which became a twisted Nazi blood ritual each and every year it was commemorated. 

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Old Germanic Peasant Culture [c. 1939]

Orig. title: "Altgermanische Baurenkultur" 1939 Reich Propaganda Ministry 17 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Racist propaganda film promoting German peasantry during the Third Reich. This film depicts German peasants as purportedly "reclaiming their Germanic racial heritage as part of the Nazi "Weltanschauung" ('World View').

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The Appeal of the Nordmark S.A. Group [c. 1933]

Orig. title: "Der Appell der SA-Gruppe Nordmark" NSDAP-Filmleitung 1933 12 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Early propaganda film short promoting the Nordmark SA stormtroopers as they assemble for a political event in Kiel. Film depicts parade of SA, SS and HJ at rally. Hitler delivers a keynote address to his assembled fanatical followers,

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Labor Service [c. 1933]

Orig. title: "Arbeitsdienst" NSDAP-Filmleitung/RWU 1933 45 min. B/W silent HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Vintage propaganda film on the activiies of the new Reich Labor Service Corps which had been set up during the early period of the Nazi regime as a fanatical racist para-military organization headed by Konstantin Hierl. 

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Construction of the Temple of Honor [c. 1936]

Orig. title: "Bau der "Ehrentempel" 1936 Reich Propaganda Ministry 25 min. B/W silent HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright; TF.
Propaganda film purportedly "documenting" the construction of the so-called "Temple of Honor" as part of the redesign of Koenigsplatz in Munich which played a significant role in Nazi ideology in their commemoration and glorification of a massive lie.

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The Buildings of Adolf Hitler [c. 1938]

Orig. title: "Die Bauten Adolf Hitlers" Reich Propaganda Ministry/Dfg 1938 30 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF
Propaganda film focusing on the construction of the brutal, oppressive architecture of the Third Reich. This film depicts such architectural structures designed by Albert Speer, Ludwig Troost, and others: HJ hostels; NSDAP leaqdership academies; Reich Air Ministry in Berlin; the Reich Autobahn; Reich Sports Field (Olympic stadium) in Berlin; party buildings in Nuremberg and Munich, etc. Hitler's rebuilding program during the Third Reich hid its true purpose in its persecution and oppression as while these so-called impressive buildings were constructed in Germany, the Reich also directed new concentration camps be erected as well to accommodate those who would later be referred to as "enemies of the Reich." 

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Visit of the Motorized SA to Leuna [c. 1933]

Orig. title: "Besuch der Motor-SA in Leuna" NSDAP-Filmleitung 1933 9 min. B/W silent HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Propaganda film promoting the arrival of a motorized SA unit to the Leuna factory in 1933. 

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Blood and Soil - Basics of the New Reich [c. 1933]

Orig. title: "Blut und Boden - Grundlagen zum Neuen Reich" Reich Ministry of Agriculture ('Reichsnahrstand') 1933 75 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Racist ideological propaganda film promoting the fanatical "Blood and Soil" 'voelkisch' movement purportedly of substancial significance for German farmers for the "national economy" and "public health." Depicts the racist Walter Darre chief of the 'Reichsnahrstand' (agriculture) delivering inflammatory political address during ritualistic ceremony. This is one of the first such overt fanatical Nazi ideology films produced during the first year of Hitler's regime. 

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Bloody Riots in Austria [c. 1934]

Orig. title: "Blutige Unruhen in Oesterreich" Deulig-Wochenschau 1934 18 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: AFA 
Propaganda film concentrating on the violence in Vienna, Austria. Depicts violent street fighting in Vienna with the Republican Protection League on February 11-16, 1934; burial of fallen victims; funeral service for Chancellor Dollfuss who had been assassinated on July 25, 1934 in Vienna. includes funeral eulogy by Wilhelm Miklas, Austrian Federal President. These contemporary events in the film layed the groundwork for the Austrian "Anschluss" (annexation) on March 12, 1938.

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The Book of the German [c/ 1936]

Orig. title: "Das Buch der Deutschen" Reich Propaganda Ministry/German Book Association 1936 25 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Propaganda film promoting the publishing and circulation of Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" which became the Nazi bible during the Third Reich.  Depicts a special edition of the twisted literary work being hand-made and presented personally to Hitler himself by Reich confederation officials on the occasion of the Chancellor's  forty-seventh birthday on April 20, 1936.

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Buckeberg [c. 1936]

Orig. title: "Bueckeberg" 1936 NSDAP-Filmleitung/Reich Propaganda Ministry/Ufa-Kulturfilm 25 min.  Color (Agfacolor) sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
The first color political propaganda film produced during the Third Reich taking as its subject the annual Bueckeberg Harvest Festival which took place in the small rural agricultural village on October 6, 1935. This direct propaganda film depicts Hitler and his deputies arrival in the village greeted by fanatical followers, including, farmers and peasants; SA , SS and HJ members are shown greeting Hitler at the highly publicized  event. Hitler delivers the keynote address to attendees at stage rally. The end of this film depicts Hitler surrounded by his party cronies as he walks through the crowd flanked by Himmler and Goebbels messiah-like which was apparently effective as political propaganda.

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Danzig must become National Socialist [c. 1933]

Orig. title: "Danzig muss nationalsozialistisch werden" 1933 NSDAP-Filmleitung  45 min. sound B/W HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF. 
NSDAP election campaign propaganda film promoting the Senate election of May 28, 1933 in Danzig. Depicts keynote address in Danzig by Gauleiter Albert Forster, who himself was a fanatical Nazi politician, member of Himmler's SS and eventually would be identified as a war criminal. Forster was directly responsible for the extermination of non-Germans and was a strong supporter of Polish genocide, which he had advocated prior to the outbreak of war. He was later arrested, tried, convicted and hanged in Warsaw for his heinous crimes, after Nazi Germany had been defeated.

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The German Farmer is Ready for Action [c. 1936]

Orig. title: "Der deutsche Bauer einsatzbereit" 1936 NSDAP-Filmleitung/Reichnahrstand (agriculture ministry)  18 min. B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Reich Agriculture Ministry produced propaganda film purportedly "documenting" the Reich Farmers' Day in Goslar during November 23-29, 1936. Depicts mass political rally attended by German farmers attired in their festive peasant costumes; Nazi agriculture chief Walter Darre delivers keynote address followed by speeches by Goering and Rudolf Hess. Other key scenes depict so called "Tanzspiele" ('dance games') involving rural couples taking part in a mass dance outdoor display. 

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Germany Awake! A Document of Germany's Rebirth [c. 1933]

Orig. title: "Deutschland erwacht! Ein Dokument von der Wiedergeburt Deutschlands"  1933 NSDAP-Filmleitung 65 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Early direct political propaganda film posing as a "documentary" had been ordered by Hitler himself as an introductory film of the new Chancellor and his deputies which had been installed in the new government which had been established on January 30, 1933. This highly slanted film is introduced by Goebbels perception on the new governmental program including scenes of Hitler's new cabinet; Hitler's first public address to the German people at the Berlin Sportspalast (Palace of Sports) on February 2, 1933; a political address by Goering; scenes of the Reichstag election of March 5, 1933 in Koenigsberg (Hitler delivers address); opening of the new Reichstag session in the Potsdam Garrison Church on March 23, 1933; address by Wilhelm Frick on the election on March 5, 1933; Reichstag session of March 23, 1933: Hitler's infamous "Enabling Act" address in which he was legally able to claim dictorial powers of Germany. It was on this date that Germany became a dictatorship.

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Germany Yesterday and Today [c. 1936]

Orig. title: "Deutschland gestern und heute" 1936 Reich Propaganda Ministry/Dfg 19 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Propaganda election campaign film promoting the Reichstag election on March 29, 1936.: Hess and Goebbels deliver political addresses on the political and economic developments in Germany since 1918. 

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Germany, My Germany [c. 1933]

Orig. title: "Deutschland, mein Deutschland" 1933 Deulig 75 min. B/W HD silent guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright; TF.
Propaganda film focusing on the history of the German Reich from 1871 to 1933. Depicts authentic vintage newsreel and feature film footage chronicling German history up to the birth of the Third Reich in 1933. 

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Germany and the whole World hears Hitler [c. 1933]

Orig. title: "Deutschland und die ganze Welt hoert Adolf Hitler" 1933 NSDAP-Filmleitung 25 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Political campaign propaganda film promoting Hitler's address regarding the contemporary workforce in Germany at the Siemens factory in Berlin on November 10, 1933.

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Germany between Yesterday and Today [c. 1933]

Orig. title: "Deutschland zwischen gestern und heute" 1933 NSDAP-Filmleitung 89 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Political propaganda film propagating the social and economic situation in Germany up to the beginning of the 1930s. 

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Three Years of Struggle for Peace [c. 1936]

Orig. title: "Drei Jahre Kampf um Frieden" 1936 Reich Propaganda Ministry/Dfg 16 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Short propaganda film promoting Hitler's political addresses from the years 1933-1935 concerning the so-called "peaceful preparedness" of Germany which would in just a few short years become the sham policy of the Third Reich as clearly Hitler had no other real intention but to wage an aggressive war against her enemies.

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Through Struggle to Victory [c. 1937]

Orig. title: "Durch Kampf zum Sieg" 1937 Reich Propaganda Ministry/Reich Sports League 32 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF
Propaganda film promoting winter sports competition of the SS, SA, HJ, and NSKK paramilitary factions at Tegernsee.

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The Honor Day of the Sachsen SA [c. 1934]

Orig. title: "Der Ehrentag der saechsischen SA" 1934 Reich Propaganda Ministry 65 min. B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Propaganda film "documenting" the "Day of Honor" of the brown-shirt SA stormtroopers in Saxony in 1934. Rather than an historical record of this event, the film is propaganda through and through and must be construed as such.

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The Heritage [c. 1935]

Orig. title: "Das Erbe" 1935 Office of Racial Policy of the NSDAP/Reich Propaganda Ministry 30 min, B/W HD sound guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.

Insidious euthanasia propaganda film written by Walter Lueddecke and directed by Carl Hartmann was produced by Harold Mayer under the aegis of the NSDAP's Office of Racial Policy and aimed at legitimizing the so-called "Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring," which allowed for sterilization in the Nazi regime. This scurrilous film had been filmed in Berlin, and exhibited throughout Germany in theatres, factories and at official Nazi party events, and together with other similar propaganda "documentaries," managed to reach an audience of twenty million yearly. Such films as "The Heritage" paved the way for the mass murder of innocent physically and mentally disabled men, women and children during the Holocaust. and further, opened the door for the mass deportations and exterminations in the killing factories in the East. 

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Nuremberg Sword presented to Hitler [c. 1938]

Orig. title: "Uebergabe des Nuernberger Schwertes an Hitler" 1938 Ufa-Tonwoche 13.56 sound B/W HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.
Propaganda newsreel film produced by the Ufa Sound Weekly ('Ufa-Tonwoche') Newsreel Company in 1938 depicting the so-called 'Nurembeg Sword" presented to Hitler at the last and final Reich Party rally held in the medieval city in 1938. Includes address delivered by Hitler to his assembled party cronies. 

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Tenth Party Rally of the NSDAP [c. 1938].

Orig. title: "Zehnter Reichsparteitag der NSDAP" NSDAP-Filmleitung/Reich Propaganda Ministry 1938 41 min. B/W sound HD Copyright: TF.

Newsreel-type propaganda film purportedly providing documentation on the annual Reich party rally convention held at Nuremberg in September 1938 was the final and most politically powerful, monstrous displays of megalomania ever conceived. A 1939 rally had been planned, however, Hitler had other plans once he launched an attack on Poland a year later which paved the road for the nightmare years of the Holocaust to come. 

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Hitler's First Anti-Jewish Address [c. 1935] 

Orig. title: "Hitlers erste antijuedische Ansprache" 1935 NSDAP-Filmleting/Reich Propaganda Ministry 12 min. B/W sound HD Copyright: TF.
Propaganda film short promoting Hitler's toxic policy of antisemtism during his first policy hate speech given at Nuremberg in 1935. SEE ALSO: EARLY NAZI ANTISEMITIC CAMPAIGN: 1935-1940.

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Berlin remains Berlin [c. 1935]

Orig. title: "Berlin bleibt Berlin" 1935 Kulturfilm-Instiut GmbH/Reichsbahnzentrale fuer den Deutschen Reiseverkehr (RDV) /Berliner Verkehrsverein/Terra-Film GmbH 10:59 B/W sound HD guage: 16mm 24 f.p.s. Copyright: TF.

Early propaganda film short produced by the Cultural Film Institute in Berlin as co-produced by the Reich Railroad Central for German Travel and the Berlin Travel Association in 1935 in order to promote attract foreign visitors to Germany. The film only depicts the image of the newly installed Nazi capital as orderly, traditional and uniform. It did not depict any of the antisemitism taking place in the new Germany, including the boycott of Jewish shops two years previously.  

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